Thursday, 3 December 2009

Oi Kate Mate, Where's ya dress from?

Did you know...?
If you go down to the woods today and come across Topshop on Oxford circus, you will be in for a very big surprise!

Kate Moss, Scarlett Johansson, Sophie Dahl and select others have donated their best party gear to the high street store so Mere Mortals like you and I can hire them for around £40!
The gestures have come in aid to help the charities 'Age Concern' and 'Help the Aged'.
Nice one girls... Dresses are only available mid December and are only on show for 24hours!

Imagine the possibly unfulfilling yet sickly sweet satisfaction of answering "its a Lanvin borrowed from Kate Moss" when your usually smug boss asks where your threads are from as she gobsmackingly drops the keys to her Porsche into her Prada clutch!! Mmmnn Mwahaha...

McQueen for King

Firstly i would like to dedicate this blog to my beautiful, faithful friend Katie who fell in love with this particular designer way back in our early college days, why i didn't listen to her then i don't know?!

Like most of the country and fashionistas my age, i have had my head hoisted firmly high in the Marc Jacobs sky! Eurgh why?

OK so Daisy perfume smells OK, his watch collections have tempted us all, and his SS09 Doctor Q work wear bag in Purple is something i have argued with my Mother about many a time. "But Muuuuuuuumm!! I neeeeeeed it, they're only savings!!". Ahh Tragic.

However, apart from that what other life changing, earth shattering, head turning things has he done??.... Answers on a postcard pls. It's fair to say i am most definitely "so over him".

For years the Queen of my fashion beating heart has always belonged to the mighty Westwood...

There was a brief stint in the late 90's where the crown went to Mr Gianni Versace, but at the time i was wearing patchwork flared jeans and listening to Sclub 7 so it's unfair to say i was fully equipped to make such final judgement!

However, my mate Viv... Aaah how for years i have adored, watched and idolised such an amazing woman. "Let it Rock" ... Say no more! Limited edition "Anglomania" perfume is still reasonably untouched, wrapped up in hankies and towels and hiding from the outside world in my desk draw at home. Fancy job interviews is the only time it gets unwrapped and sprayed for all to enjoy.

Anyway- so Vivienne Westwood, I do love you, you never forget your first love. Hours of research on her throughout college has most definitely helped me mould and structure my fashion alter ego.

However... There's a new queen in my life. Alexander McQueen!!

There comes a time in every girls life where she sees a boy, feels things she hasn't before. This is one of those times! Like i said before, my darling Katie raved about this creative genius all through college "feathers this" and "scarves with skulls on that". Did i listen? I did not, his hologram on Kate Moss for his A/W06 collection even failed to get picked up on my radar! Where have i been?

The man is a genius and has become my ultimate muse and idol since choosing to study him for my Contextual Studies essay! The man is god.. and i almost don't want to go into detail to much for the fear everyone else might convert.. Although they should! ALEXANDER MCQUEEN <3

Its Chrisssstmaaaasss!

I have about 5 blog drafts waiting to be published but i thought i would leave them until a rainy day and note how "cute" everything is right now!
Cute is what a safety guy at a Roller Disco called me after i spent an hour clapping and screaming to the cheesy songs being played whilst watching my friends go round and round and round and round whilst refusing to actually roller skate myself! After spending a couple of years from my wild youth with my head "high" in the sky, i am a firm believer that my feet should be firmly on the ground at all times, physically and metaphorically!
Cute is also how i feel about being able to finally sing along to cheesy adverts and songs with my amazing housemates and my new uni friends.. I was blessed with the worlds harshest voice and its an attribute that i save until its ABSOLUTLY SAFE to let loose, many of my friends from primary school still haven't heard my not-so-siren like sound! its still early days but these newbie mateys may have to fight it out with my childhood friends and college friends for the bridesmaid titles!!
Cute is also how I'm am describing the neatly, pocket sized tube map from 2008 (we're going into 2010 now yeah) which lives subtly and loyally in my purse... This paper creature has recently become a trusted Alie in the battle against those fearless London commuters! ..."Mind the gap?" never mind the gap, mind my head which has been savagely wedged between the gap and godforsaken platform! Those people are fearless! However the country gal in me in slowly becoming "Savvy" and "Confident" in this town they call the big smoke! Even tho my mappy friend is slightly outdated, my knowledge of London now steams a little further than the layout of a Monopoly Board!
... Oh and Blackfriars is still closed yeah?