OK, OK, it's been a while and I'm dedicating this petite piece to my two CRACKALACKIN, loveliest mates Nicole and Alice.
Nicole because she has to put up with me at V Fest and Alice because she has taught me many, many, many ways of the world this past year. Actually they both have, thanks to Nicole i can cook pasta that Jamie Oliver would envy and thanks to Big Al i can outbid and out think anything and anyone on EBay!!
So here are a few treasures i have found for the festival season...
Courtesy of desperate people who need to make money of eBay :)
Fur Gilet £5
Toppyshoppy parka with fur trim, fish tail vent and Orange lining :)
£40 (Ouch i know! But look at it as an investment :p )
And this is the Winner, currently £75 in topshop, soon to be in my wardrobe for £25!!!
AMAZING a rainbow-y, tassel-y, poncho-y, waistcoat-y bundle of loveliness!
with the addition of Green DMs and some saucy playsuits i think we've got ourselves a smashing summer!
Bring on V.
However i think this little beauty has next years Bestival ticket written all over it :) :) :)