Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Photoshop... Best thing since sliced bread!

Life in Technicolour.

As an FPI student, i'm throwing caution to the wind and trying my hand at everything that goes.

Since my college days i have always loved Jason Brookes' illustrations, his HedKandi stuff is brilliant, but how on earth does he take a sketch and make them into a glossy, 3d, animation??? I'm sure there is an amazingly easier way to do this, but this is my way.

Pencil (hb)

A3 Sketchbook
*put pencil to paper*

get 2megapixel sony erricson walkman mobile phone
(you could also scan straight into photoshop, if you have such luxury)

*take picture of sketch*

upload pic to pc as you would say a facebook pic.

save the file and open it in photoshop.

Once in photoshop the hours of fun begin...
So i basically made a new layer and drew over the lines from the original pencil sketch. What felt like cat n mouse play with me and the paint brush tool went out for hours... this whole thing became a "practise project" throughout the summer! Then i played with other layers and went over certain lines and fillers again because i thought certain curves needed changing, hence the different coloured lines. Then everntually i deleted the original template and was left with the pshop drawing ontop of the blank, checkerd background HUURAAH! Now i am left with a clean, electronic version of my drawing... and now to Hedkandi it up a bit... any suggestions? xx

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